

From deputy director of the indigenous people of Biafra worldwide, Mazi Alphonsus Uche Mefor.

The United Nations and in fact the international community is hereby put on notice that the fraudulent tagging of the over 70 million Indigenous People of Biafra as terrorists is a wholesale rape and assault on their human dignity, human rights and complete but gradual annihilation and termination of their very essence of existence. This is an act and conduct so heinous, barbaric and atrocious which run counter to and pose direct threat to the very aims and objectives for which of the United Nations organisation was established. Terrorism is an infrequently used criminal terminology so heavy and complex a global phenomenon that the rogue Nigerian state has now employed as a false alibi to continue to commit mass murder and other atrocities which engage the heinous crimes of crime against humanity and genocide prohibited in international human rights and criminal legal orders. The ongoing genocide being carried out against the Indigenous People of Biafra by the Nigerian state controlled by the bloodthirsty, cruel Northern Hausa-Fulanis cannot be overlooked by the responsible members of the international community. We remind the entire humanity that specifically, these atrocious crimes of genocide and crime against humanity are currently being carried out against the unarmed, defenceless, civilian, indigenous Biafran youths in the area they now called “South East and South South”. Furthermore, this hurried, ill-timed proscription and terror designation of IPOB by the Nigerian government of Buhari is not only biased and in bad faith, it is unfortunately being carried out in a horrific and systematic discriminatory manner against the people of Biafran on account of their race or ethnicity, religious, and political opinions. Additionally, this unwholesome and genocidal conduct of the Nigerian state is firmly anchored on hate and designed to cripple the Indigenous People of Biafra in all facets and aspects of their economic, religious, political and other human endeavours. From every ramification, silence on the part of the International Community means accepting and encouraging practically a heinous, generational genocide, a summary and collective annihilation of the aspirations and maximum dehumanisation of the human person. It violates all the human rights of the Indigenous People of Biafra, curtails their freedoms and demeans them in the eyes of the rest of humanity at large. Discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, political opinion and religion is a hate conduct and a phenomenal cancer that has far-reaching, negative global consequences for the victims and takes away the dignity of all human persons. These are not only dangerous practices, they are already firmly entrenched in the Nigerian system by Muhammed Buhari, a danger to world peace and security. This latest carnage all began on the 15th day of September 2017 when the Nigerian military launched an attack in the civilian compound of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and destroyed the properties, massacred a cross-section of Biafran youths in that compound with armoured tankers, rocket propel launchers and grenades and fighter jets. This heinous crime committed against unarmed civilians is so disproportionate in that it was carried out unprovoked. This genocidal orgy of violence was carried out with the intent to cause mass murder, to assassinate Nnamdi Kanu and wipe out his entire family. While this wickedness and hatred against the Biafran people last, IPOB remains non-violent and unarmed no matter the amount of provocation. IPOB is a group of Biafran citizens of professionals and ordinary people not only located in the land of Biafra but also in Nigerian territory and all over the world. These individuals who have strong family and community ties are law-abiding and contribute to the lives of societies and countries in which they reside. We, therefore, remind the international Community that IPOB is legal and operates under the law and more importantly in line with United Nations General Assembly Declaration on the rights of Indigenous People 2007. The African Union adopted it and subsequently all African Union member states including Nigeria. The antics of the Nigerian establishment stands illegal and should be condemned by all. Accordingly, all IPOB family units in different countries are by this directed to embark on massive, co-ordinated petitioning exercise targeting governments of their host countries of residence and take other legal actions as may be deemed appropriate. You are also directed to petition all embassies of governments around the world in your countries of residence. More importantly, all heads of Nigerian embassy missions in your countries of residence must be taken legal actions against across board. Signed: Uche Mefor [Deputy Leader] For the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra.


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