The summer means less clothes and more activity, whichever way you slice it up means if your in better shape, you will probably have a better and more enjoyable summer.
The summertime is as good a time as ever for you to get fit and healthy - and you never know, maybe even get in some sort of shape. The mornings are lighter as are the evenings, more sunshine and less rain - the perfect conditions and time of year to get yourself fitter and healthier. Allowing you to feel more comfortable in less clothes when you're at the beach and have the energy and fitness levels to run around all day with younger families in the park or on holiday.
Today I will give you a plan to get the most out of the summer.
As you probably already know deciding to up your exercise sadly isn’t going to lead to massive weight loss. If you want to lose weight then what you eat is more important than how much you exercise. You need to get your nutrition right first and then exercise provides the finishing touches.
If you adopt the strategies below you will get some positive results no matter how old or unfit you may think you are.
*research suggests its NEVER too late to get started* So if you are reading this thinking all of this exercise stuff is behind me then I can assure you it's never too late.
My tips to get the most out of the summer:
1. Sort Out Your Diet – Cut out the junk food. If most people got the basics right they would drop a stone or more. So you don't need to overcomplicate things just limit your alcohol, crisps, chocolate, pastries, ice cream etc. intake.
2. Get More Active – Start with going for nice long walks/cycles if you don’t exercise much and build it up from there. Find an activity you enjoy, even better if you can get a friend or family member to go along with you.
3. Drink More Water – Cut out the booze, fizzy drinks and endless cups of coffee and tea and drink a load of water to help rehydrate you (especially important when it’s warmer).
4. Sleep – Make sure you are getting enough sleep and going to bed at a reasonable hour, a healthy lifestyle is almost impossible when you not sleeping properly - fact.
5. Rest & Recovery – Allow your body enough time to recover between sessions, avoid exercising two days in a row to begin with. Try a sauna or a nice massage to help the process along.