Depression Excape Root

The symptoms of depression are complicated and vary widely in different people. The symptoms can persist for days, weeks or even months. It is unlikely to list all the signs at this page, but few common symptoms of depression are listed here.


Low mood and sadness Hopelessness Helplessness Feeling guilty Low self-esteem Intolerance Irritability Loss of motivation Lack of interest in life Suicidal thoughts Affects decision-making ability


Change in body movement Change in body weight Unexplained body pains Lack of energy Loss of libido Change in the menstrual cycle Change in sleep patterns


Avoid social contacts and taking part in fewer gatherings Neglecting hobbies and physical activities Difficulty in home, work, and family life What are the causes of Depression?

Depression does not have a single cause. There is a combination of triggers that aggravate depression. Studies show that depression is more common in old age, and it affects people who are facing social, economic, or emotional challenges.

Some of the causes of depression are

Stressful events Family problems Relationship issues Loss of a loved one After childbirth in women Personality Family history Alcohol Medications Illness Financial breakdown Loneliness

These are just a few reasons. There can be many others and depends on the individual experiences of a person and how he copes with problems.

How to Cope with depression?

Taking the first step is difficult but matters the most when you want to make a change. You can alleviate the symptom of stress by taking small steps. Set short term but achievable goals, have a walk around, meet friends, avoid negativity and others. Along with a will, try the following steps to @snap out of depression.”

Understand and accept the problem

What if you have a reading of 103 degrees Celsius on a thermometer. Now you cannot deny that you have a fever. Similarly, the solution is not present in the running from depression. You must accept the mental disorder and seek help. Do not consider depression a sign of weakness, understand it as a disease and get ready to fight. Simple lifestyle, environmental and therapy can take away this problem like any other physical disorder. Remain calm during the episodes of anxiety.

Find the lost person in you

Depression cannot take away everything from a person. Other than a depression victim, they may be a friend, spouse, parent, someone’s’ child, colleague, spouse, and many other characters of life. Think about your strengths, abilities, achievements, targets-they are worthwhile in looking ahead and live a happy life. Find that person in yourself, and it will help you to forget the past and focus on the future.

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