Looking For Campus Job?

A student staying in a country like Canada has to meet daily living costs apart from intermittent expenditures which may spurt from anywhere. To meet the expenditures out one has to look for a job which would be “part time” in nature and would help students meeting at least a part of their expenditure rather than depending solely upon their parents for funding the cost. You need to meet the following criteria to apply for a campus job • Being an international student, you must be registered as full time students in any of the recognized post-secondary public institutions of Canada. • Even if you are registered with a private post-secondary institution, it should operate according to the norms of public institutions. • Such Private institutions should receive at least 50% financial grant from the Government. • You should carry a valid study permit. Once you have met these criteria, you can always look for a job, without needing any work permit. Advantages of working When you work after your classes, you’re earning some money for yourself. This eases you out of a little guilt that your parents re spending bit too much on you. Along with this, you are earning great deal of experience if you choose to work in the same field as you’re studying. You can take up a job which is in congruence with your study area; this will give you a practical experience and will be agitate help when you actually start your professional life. Kind of opportunities available Most of the universities allow people to work for a maximum of 12 hours to worker week, if you’re a full time student. They don’t allow you to work beyond these many hours with the experience of student’s performance getting affected adversely. You can expect a remuneration of $10 per hour and you will also be entitled to vacation and pay benefits. Employers pertaining to your own field can hire you, which is also a kindof training for you. Some Institutions have employers coming to them, whereas some may ask you to locate one on your own.

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