Making More Money And The Secrets

Because there will always be someone with more money than you. “Be wise about what you really need money for”. This the first lesson of the spirits.

Money Killer Do you have discarded fruits, overflowing refrigerators, large baskets of fruits in the corner that you will never able to eat them all unless to get an allergic reaction? Then you might have an issue with money and can risk that the spirit of money sooner or later will destroy your life because you are killing money. You can be as independent in your life, as brilliant with business ideas, as quickly in realizing them and receive a maximum income, but If you are killing money, even with all your great God-given talents, the spirit of money will make you suffer in your life. That's why it is so important to learn how to value your money. Instead of spending it inexpensive alcohol with friends, clubs, and women, that will make you lose your money and at the end very probably also all these friends, start to spend money on something that truly brings you joy, benefit, and health. Remember: Money reflects our attitude to life.

Never do this again Overinvesting in your housing. Is it not as well your dream to build a house in an elite area? That everything is modern and expensive? But most often you spend all the money on it to realize this dream and after you are not even living in your beautiful house with 9 rooms for you alone. Your working all day and almost all night to be able to afford your dream house and can't even enjoy it. Do you really need a 9 room apartment for you alone? Spending money in bags full of food has become very common with people and in them and they need to throw away half of the food. Don’t be a money killer, think twice before you buy something and not only by advertising, there are people who don’t have to eat. Let’s avoid wasting money on food that will kill us. Better invest in what the body likes: fresh, natural, and very simple food. Killing money in fancy entertainment. Do you enjoy going to a club or a luxurious resort? Or did you ever think about the beauty in experiencing a walk on a lonely beach, listening to the waves of the ocean, and watching the real sun? Which option adds real value to your soul and life?

A beneficial secret that no billboard chart will tell you No advertising will ever revel you the secret about the huge benefit and restoring effect you can gain by relaxing in the forest. And Shakuntal Siberia did recognize this phenomenon in all those years of working with people: the modern person needs to be taught how to relax in the forest. To show them that the trees do not assess him and it is possible not to worry about his status, that they will still exist as well without their status. And that's what shamans do in their seminars and retreats, they reconnect you with the real benefits and beauty of nature. To bring back your health and happiness with tasty food, and joyful experiences in nature as well as with resourceful knowledge about the power of our lineage and the awareness about good and evil spirits. They help you to receive abundance and success with money.

Practice to liberate yourself from parasites For your own practice, you find here a parasite purifying method that Skakuntali Siberia teaches her students. Just follow these steps: Stand upright, take a breath, hold your breath, and tighten your entire body from your toes to the top of your head for 10-20 seconds. Feel the powerful energy that is born in the center of the body and begins to spread in all directions like the light of the sunrays. Imagine how this light pushes out of you everything alien, evil, destructive, and negative. Jump sharply to the side with a shout “HA” and get totally relaxed. Breathe normally and see how light from space pours into your body. It enters through the top of your head, is distributed throughout the body and heals from all the terrible impacts of the alien interactions. Do this 3-7 times and repeat 21 days for a full recovery.

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