The other discovery is just as unnerving as the liquid which surrounds the brain proves to be a mind of its own and in many ways controls the activity of the brain itself with chemical communications that even mean, “kill the system” . It is in fact what it does by cutting off all communication and chemical aid (supportive during early life) and which allows the system to degenerate and die. The discovery is so startling that a new science has been born since the use of this liquid to communicate with the brain has placed it in the sights of those who now even see military uses with respect to conditioning the minds and bodies with calculated interference in the form of chemicals. In other words, mental manipulation with exposure to certain directly injected or atmospheric penetrable gases which can do the same thing. The liquid itself which was supposed to be purely a protective buffer, is probably even more complex than the brain itself and dominates the former, but it is clearly seen that because of the physical, convoluted nature of the brain matter itself, one part of the brain , however hidden, can interact quickly through the liquid with any other part. In mathematical concepts, if the nature of these packed convolutions represent the creation of scores of dimensions as is thought about “folded” space, then action through the liquid could be as complex as understanding black holes, antimatter and hyper or infra dimensional wormholes. All very abstract but frighteningly very real. Another factor is that the body´s blood supply cannot enter the neurological circuitry and if it does it would kill it, as happens with brain hemorrhages caused by faulty blood vessels. An interface prevents blood from entering either the brain or the liquid itself and it is because of this that the liquid is now thought to be an “excellent” means of rapid delivery of corrective medicine or behavior alteration “medicines” without risking contamination or blood reaction risks. Such is the predictable thinking in this respect in a scientific world where “effect” seems to be of greater interest than positive results which alternative medicine can sometimes contribute.
The Strange Collective Consciousness
We are also now beginning to understand that the concept of the collective consciousness as originally studied and put out by the controversial Philosopher/ Psychologist Yung, can be related to his obscure, almost paranormal concepts that so angered Freud and who barred him from his house. If we are talking about his baffling so called non causal synchronicities which happen to most of us in life all the time - like the dove that flies in through the window during a conference on peace (just an example!) - then multidimensional experiences and mental recording at different or parallel levels could explain it all. However, this is really hot water and if we want to get down to genuine, scientific nightmares, then the issues must be clear and assimilable by non academics as a primary and protective need. What these experimental finds really mean is that we are much more complex and more self governing that our so called “free will” can possibly claim. We inherit trillions of units of sensory information which combined in different forms can produce different effects on the so called body of transitory human existence. Like the snake skin, this is shed, but the body of knowledge is genetically passed on where there is a descendant and through brothers and sisters etc. The complete mind and personality of the individuals who added or detracted during their lifetime to that total experience carry on existing with all ancestral “memories” with it. It could mean that with selective refined stimulation, earlier individuals can be expressed through the same body as technically nothing has really changed except that objective transmission of the person is negated by nature to enable all the others to take their own place.