And some of the people you reach through your site will buy your product, sign up to your mailing list, get to know you and your business better, and stay on as loyal customers and repeat buyers.
Over time you will build a mutually beneficial relationship in a friendly, low-key, inexpensive way. By playing your cards right, you can even steadily build it into a big business that serves large crowds of clients, and pulls in huge profits.
Wouldn't it be great if that was how things actually worked?
Well, if you've actually tried to build an online business, then you know it's not like that at all. In fact, if you've tried it out, then you know that it can actually be more challenging than building a brick-and-mortar business in the "real world".
Why is this?
Well, for starters, it's this way because almost everybody else is dreaming about this 'ideal fantasy' of running an online business from their bedrooms in their pyjamas - and growing rich automatically. And the group of 'shovel sellers' who equip these 'pioneers' and cheer them on the way to their 'Gold Rush' aren't exactly being honest about how difficult it is to really make sales online.
But there's another reason, one that's much more important. And it has to do with the important point about how to focus better.
Answer this question: Have you ever visited the average business website? You know the kind I'm talking about. It's fairly decent, with a long one-page sales letter making the same, tired, predictable pitch for a range of products that are all pretty dull and boring.
But every once in a while, there's an exciting new one.
It is catchy, snazzy, even bizarre, and so it grabs you by the eyeball, sucks you in, and makes you eager to buy whatever it is they're selling. That's the kind of business and product that everyone wants to build and own.
And guess what? All the people try to blindly duplicate it. But they're doing it wrong, and so they don't gain any value from their attempt.
They pretend to study and derive from the winning model, but end up copying and cloning only the least important things. Worse, by trying them out at the same time, they are creating a shoddy version of the winning website - and don't get even a fraction of the selling power of the 'original' website.
It Doesn't Have To Be This Way
Once you decide to get this part of your business organized and streamlined, you must learn how to focus better.
One day, a new friend was explaining his 'system' for building an auto-pilot web-based income stream. At his house, he demonstrated the model and it was among the most simple, elegant things ever. Everything hummed along like a machine.
He described how he looked at different niche markets, how he identified potential hot-selling products in each, and how he built simple processes that made dozens of sales every day.
It was hard to not admire his genius. But the real miracle of his system wasn't the 'machine'... it was the simplicity of his process. Anyone seeing it would realize that online selling could work if this simplicity could be modeled and adopted.