NO … I hear you saying, that's just the way it is. We get born, we grow up, we get old, we get sick, and then, we die. That's just the way it is. Well if that's the case how come some people in different parts of the world are living well into their 80s, 90s and 100s, whilst others just seem to be born to get sick and get old and die.
It's always fascinated me, after all I've been into Anti- Ageing all my life. When I was a kid, I thought there was no way I could die. And as a teenager and young man, staying young was a no brainer. I was never going to get old. And now I'm 55. I'm really beginning to believe it. I'm getting older. But that's not going to stop me staying young. No way.
I made it my mission many years ago to research and study why we get old. I was told it's physics, it's just natural biology, everything dies. Well yes I agree, but why then can some turtle species live to well over 200. Marine Biologists still cannot agree on what age Great White Sharks live to. Some say 100, others say forever.
While that sounds impossible, just stop and think about this … why is it that some parts of the human body for example are as young as the day we are born, even into old age. From the moment we are conceived as a single cell embryo we are getting older. Everyone knows this. However, Molecular Biologists have recently uncovered the secret as to why this happens.
TELOMERES … that's why. At the end of each strand of DNA we have cap like things (like what holds our shoelaces together) and every time a cell divides, and our chromosomes replicate, a small piece of that Telomere breaks off. Telomeres are there to protect our chromosomes and DNA and when there is none left we die.
There is only one part of our bodies where this doesn't happen and that is in our reproductive cells, otherwise we would all be born old … correct? Absolutely! And that is why so much research is taking place in that area. The enzyme Telomorase has now been discovered. Telomorase is what protects Telomeres and if we can activate that, then theoretically we can live forever.
Scientists have been able to formulate Telomorase activators and these, even though still in their early stages, are showing great promise as life enhancers and lengtheners. The most fascinating thing about this is that, these formulas will not only have us living longer but also much, much healthier. Because if you have healthy and long telomeres your body is much more able to fend off signs of ageing and also disease. It's a fact that when you are younger you are healthier and that's because, as the world's leading Scientists have discovered, your Telomeres are longer and stronger.
So I'm thinking, that one day in the not too distant future, we will be walking into hospitals that are much smaller and are treating people only for injuries and not old age related disease. Because I, and many others are now believing that old age isn't a given, it's a disease.